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Carob — Black Gold of Cyprus

Join us in the field and kitchen to learn how to harvest carobs and make our delicious cookies from scratch.

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Yes, we will have
a snack.


It takes place at
Paphos Green Goddess

What we do

During the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, carob was one of Cyprus’ most important exports. More than 50,000 tons per year passed through the Limassol docks bound for Europe and the rest of the world. These days — except for some processing into syrup, much of which is bought by tourists - the harvest often falls uncollected, though the University of Cyprus, among others , is making efforts to raise awareness of carob as part of a healthy diet. Green Goddess has three producing trees, and we harvest and use the pods both for animal food and in making the flour that characterises our signature spiced carob cookies. Join us in the field and kitchen to learn how to harvest carobs and make delicious cookies from scratch. Note: we will NOT be making carob syrup, which is a completely different process, but I can point you in the direction of information on syrup making.

Participants get hands-on

What you get

You get recipe print-outs of what we make and links to places where you will find other recipes and information. You will also take home samples of what we make to share with friends and family...and meet some cool new people.

Who should come

This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn more about carobs. It is not really suitable for children younger than 6, as space is limited in the kitchen and we will be using the oven and food processor.

What to bring

Bring your enthusiasm, and any ideas, recipes, and questions about carobs that you have.

Be part of the solution

Trust your intuition and tread a path without justifying your choices. Not everyone’s ambitions align, and off-grid yurt life is not for all. But there are smaller, less extreme ways to redress the imbalance threatening our environment and our future. In this small, quiet corner of Paphos we are exploring some of them. Why not join us for the adventure?

Rachael Pettus

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